Dr. Jasser Auda

Tag: Fatwa

Reciting Quran & Tawaf: Women in Menses Excluded?

In the previous part, Dr. Jasser Auda discussed the scholars’ opinions regarding the permissibly of visiting mosques for menstruating women. In this part, he investigates whether a woman in period is allowed to recite the Quran and do Tawaf.   As for reciting the Quran by a menstruating woman or ajunubperson, the best view I have ever read on this issue is that of Ibn Taymiyyah and his disciple Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah shower their souls with mercy). Ibn Taymiyyah said, As for reciting the Quran by a junub person or a menstruating woman, scholars have three opinions, one of which is that it is permissible, and this is the opinion of Abu Hanifah and the famous opinion in the Shafi`i and Hanbali schools. Another opinion is that it is impermissible for thejunub person, yet permissible for the menstruating woman either generally or in case she fears that she might forget it. This is the opinion of Malik, one of the opinions reported from Ahmad and others. For, no authentic Hadith is reported from the Prophet (peace and be blessings be upon him) on reciting the Quran by a menstruating woman. The only Hadith is that narrated from Isma`il ibn `Ayyash from Musa ibn `Uqbah from Nafi` from Ibn `Umar that he said, “Neither a menstruating woman nor a junubperson should recite anything from the Quran”. This Hadith, which is reported by Abu Dawud...

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Is the Mosque “Off-limits” for Menstruating Women?

Let me start answering this question by the following conclusion: The House of Allah is never “off-limits” for any believer, man or woman, at any time.  Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to stay in the Mosque without offering prayer? Scholars differ in opinion concerning the permissibly of entering the mosque for a menstruating woman. The prominent scholar, Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, has a beneficial fatwa in this regard that is worth quoting. He states: Jurists have considerably deferred regarding staying in the mosque for a menstruating woman and a junub[1] person without performing ablution, as Almighty Allah says, {O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying or in a state of janabah, except those passing through [a place of prayer], until you have washed [your body]} (An-Nisa’ 4: 43).       So, the Hanbali jurists deemed it permissible for such a person to stay in the Mosque in case one has performed ablution (Wudu’), drawing on the Hadith narrated by Sa`id ibn Mansur and Al-Athram from `Ata’ ibn Yasar that he said, “I saw junub Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) staying in the Mosque after performing the ablution due for prayer”. Other jurists, however, deemed it permissible for ajunub person and for a menstruating woman or a woman in her postpartum period (nufasa’) to stay in...

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Should I Let My Children Choose Their Religion?

Question:  Hi. I am a Muslim and will be married to a Christian soon inshallah. I rather let my children learn both religions and decide for themselves when they are smart enough rather than imposing Islam onto them. As God created us all free men. Does that make me a kafir (disbeliever)?

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